To profession/university
- Manuscript reviewer for scholarly journals: ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (2020 and 2021), Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism (2022), AM Journal of Art and Media Studies (2023), and Cogent Arts & Humanities (2024).
Writer in residence for the Columbia University-based journal Synapsis: A Health Humanities Journal, 2024–25.
- Associate editor, manuscript reviewer and copyeditor for the academic research blog, association, and collective PopMeC (which publishes academic articles, pop and book reviews, and organize online conferences in the field of US Pop Culture Studies), 2021–present.
- Faculty coordinator for the ULiège-based training course in sustainable development, University of Liège, Belgium, November 2021 – August 2022.
- Participant in the ULiège-based SARSSURV Study, University of Liège, Belgium, April 2021 – June 2022.
- Member of the Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment–BASCE’s Events Committee, 2020–November 2021.
- Secretary of the Faculty Board, University of Liège, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Belgium, April 28, 2021.
- Representative for the scientific staff of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in three committees in charge of evaluating applications for as well as establishing the workload and tasks of an academic position in the fields of media education and didactics of communication, media and performing arts (Éducation aux médias et Didactique spéciale de l’information et de la communication et des arts du spectacle), University of Liège, Belgium, 2020–2021.
- Representative for the scientific staff of the Department of “Langues modernes : linguistique, littérature et traduction” at the Faculty Board (2020–2022) and at the Department (2021–2022), University of Liège, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Belgium.
- Representative for the FNRS Research Fellows of the University of Liège (Ph.D. candidates funded by the FNRS) in the “Groupe de travail ‘Survey’” (“Work group” for an FNRS survey on the conditions of permanent and temp researchers funded by the FNRS), University of Liège, Belgium, 2021–2022.
- Member of the “Groupe de travail des temporaires FNRS” (“Work group for FNRS temporary researchers”) at the CC-FNRS (Comité de contact FNRS-ULiège), University of Liège, Belgium, 2020–present.
- Representative at the CC-FNRS for the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Liège, Belgium, 2020–present.
- Research fellow (Chercheur associé) at the research center in political ecology Etopia, Belgium, 2019–present, and occasional speaker at the general-audience conferences organized in Belgium by Etopia, 2018–present.
- Author of general-audience articles for blogs, online platforms and magazines (see publication list): for Universud–Liège (now Eclosio), for Etopia, for Karoo, and for Musically Yours, 2017–present.